News This Week
Week 2 May 2008
Things you may have missed in the news this week.
Why should airline travelers who weigh 50kg be forced to pay the same as a fatty
who weighs 130kg, yet “excess baggage” is charged at $30 per kilo!!! Fatties use
more fuel to get them up into the sky & push them along to their buffet holidays
in Asia… There’s something very relaxing about watching rice farmers toil in the fields for 15 hrs per day whilst you sip your tequila.... |
Estonian cattle farmers have been whacked by the government with a fart tax to compensate for the methane gas produced by cows… Methane gas is said to contribute to global warming and air pollution. | |
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Obesity contributes to global warming, too. Obese and overweight people require more fuel to transport them and the food they eat, and the problem will worsen as the population literally swells in size, a team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine says. |
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The increase in fat people will weigh down land masses, combine that with the rapidly rising sea levels and our cities will drown |
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One of the most dramatic results of the record cold over much of the planet is the reversal of the much-reported melt of the icebergs in the Arctic Ocean. Last autumn the world was alarmed to hear from certain climatologists that the ice in the Arctic had melted to its "lowest levels on record." What was carefully omitted from those scare stories was the fact that those records only date back as far as 1972, and that there is anthropological and geological evidence of much greater melts in the past. |
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And I think future generations are not going to blame us for anything except for being silly, for letting a few tenths of a degree panic us |
What most commentators-and many scientists-seem to miss is that the only thing we can say with certainly about climate is that it changes. | |
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[most of the current alarm over climate change is based on] inherently
untrustworthy climate models, similar to those that cannot accurately forecast
the weather a week from now. |
Vatican says aliens could exist. By David Willey, BBC News, Rome Ok. So what? Big deal. The Vatican has a history of claiming beings exist without any evidence to back it up. |
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Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Solar Research in Germany report the sun has been burning more brightly over the last 60 years, accounting for the 1 degree Celsius increase in Earth's temperature over the last 100 years. |
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The past few months have not been good to the still-infant discipline of climate change alarmism - that strange amalgam of pseudo-science, crystal ball gazing, and mass hysteria that was formerly known as global warming alarmism until it became apparent a few years back that the globe had in fact stopped warming, and the alarmists decided that the term "climate change" was a more effective way of describing what the rest of us call "weather." |
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If scientists say they are 100% sure, or that they are absolutely certain about the cause and effect and ignore variables which might show that they could be wrong, they are practicing junk science. Junk science happens when scientists believe something based on just some of what they see. |
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A lot of environmental messages are simply not accurate. But that's the way we sell messages in this society. We use hype. And we use those pieces of information that sustain our position. |
Let Barak do for America what his fellow chimps have done for Africa! | |
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The question scientists should now be asking is not how much it will warm over the next 50 to 100 years, but why has it warmed so little during the major carbon dioxide buildup? |
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It should not be surprising to see hordes of former Reds, or of those who otherwise would have become Reds, turning from Marxism and becoming the Greens of the ecology movement. It is the same fundamental philosophy in a different guise, ready as ever to wage war on the freedom and well-being of the individual. |
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IPCC staff is working feverishly on a theory that supports global cooling as proof of global warming. Stay tuned. |
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AUSTRALIAN agricultural output will double over the next 40 years, with climate
change predicted to increase, rather than hinder, the level of production. A
recent spate of reports forecasting the decline of Australian agriculture
because of climate change have greatly exaggerated, and even completely
misreported the threat of global warming, according to senior rural industry
figures. Gee, who might have irresponsibly flogged that fake scare? Predictions of a 20 per cent drop in farm production by mid-century were cited by Kevin Rudd and Agriculture Minister Tony Burke as justification for Australia's signing of the Kyoto Protocol. No kidding. But surely the bureaucracy ignored the hype and stuck to the facts? (Australian Farm Institute boss) Mick Keogh, a well-respected industry figure, said much of the media reporting on the recent ABARE report Climate Change: Impacts On Australian Agriculture, was so misleading it risked eroding industry confidence in public research agencies. He said the ABARE report chose a series of highly unlikely worst-case climate change scenarios. Oh. And what obvious facts might these scaremongers have overlooked? In fact, Mr Keogh says, if global warming does occur, some areas such as southeast Queensland will receive more rain, and as a result will greatly benefit. Recent research has shown increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere lifts plant production by up to 30 per cent in a phenomenon known as carbon fertilisation. Gee. Who would have thought of that? |